NAMM Show 2019 Recap We recently took a trip west to the NAMM Show in Anaheim, CA and wanted to share some of the highlights we saw at the show. Read on for hot new products debuts and demonstrations! Our first stop was at ElectroVoice to check out their new Wireless RE3 system. One of the highlights of this system is the interchangeable mic capsules, including Shure capsules. We have a quick video of Dan Shawgo from SalesForce doing a demo below. If you'd like to know more information about the line you can contact your sales associate or read more from ProSound Web here . In addition to hearing dbTechnologies at the Loudspeaker System Showcase (which they sounded great across the board with their VIOL208 System), we went by their booth to see some of their new products. We got to see the new VIO X System, conceived as a point-source completion for the VIO family. The new VIO X series provides a broad spectrum of professional applications as well a...