Portable Column Line Array Loudspeaker Showcase Recap
September 20th, 2018
On Thursday, September 20th seven manufacturers gathered at Peachstate Audio's showroom in Sugar Hill, GA. The manufacturers brought their portable column line array loudspeakers to participate in a showcase for Peachstate Audio customers. There were a dozen different models, and they were separated into 3 price categories, similar to the Loudspeaker Showcase Peachstate Audio hosted in 2016. Though similar to the showcase from two years ago, this event was smaller in scale and more niche in the products (full list of products and product links below throughout post).
Segment 1: MAP Pricing Up to $999
The first segment we started off with was segment 1, products with a MAP price under $999. Each manufacturer had 7 minutes to present their product, which usually included a quick overview on specs and capabilities followed by diverse sample tracks.
Next we moved on to segment 2, with products in the MAP price range above $1,000 and below $1,999. The format stayed the same with 7 minutes for each manufacturer.
Segment 2: MAP Pricing $1,000 - $1,999
Finally we moved on to segment 3, which included products $2,000 and above. Because of the flexibility in pricing, this segment presented some unique products that are top of the line in quality and sound.
Segment 3: MAP Pricing $2,000+
Yamaha NEXO ID24 + IDS110
dB Technologies ES1203

This event gave customers a unique opportunity to hear a wide range of products from different manufacturers. This was a showcase and not a shootout, so customers were able to decide for themselves what sounded "best" and what would fit their specific application.
After the structure of the morning schedule the afternoon open house allowed customers to hear the loudspeakers again and speak to the manufacturers and have hands-on time. At Peachstate we're always excited to offer an opportunity customers can't find at other retail locations or by shopping exclusively online.

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